RAM FM Eighties Hit Radio

RAM FM Eighties Hit Radio

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RAM FM Eighties Hits


RAM FM broadcast music within a wide perspective from the years between and around 1975-1995 and some of today's music that would have fit in just fine at the time. RAM FM play all genres of eighties music, from punk to disco, from synth-pop to folk, from rock to easy listening and from new wave to dance. RAM FM play these different genres of eighties music in no special order and without any priority or personal musical preferences involved whatsoever. RAM FM aim to create a realistic musical time image of the eighties. RAM FM never play the same song within 36 hours and never the same artist within 4 hours. Listeners online can request 3 tracks every 30 minutes complying with these musical format and playlist rotation rules.

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How To Install

Direct installation

Via Repository

Via Directory

  1. First make sure you have the repository installed
  2. Open up Kodi and navigate into Add-ons.
    addon install - Add-ons
  3. Click the open box icon (above the side-menu).
    addon install - openbox
  4. Select Install from repository.
    • If you have at least one repository (besides the default) installed:
      Select the repository you wish to install from.
  5. Select the category the addon belongs to, in this case it should be audio.
  6. Select RAM FM Eighties Hit Radio.
  7. Click Install.

    For a full installation guide please click here.

    Additional Information

    Updated:January 14, 2021

    In Repositories:

    License:GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991

    Depends On:

    Recommended Addons



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