LiveTV Ad-Zapper

LiveTV Ad-Zapper

Help other people decide, vote up or down?

Rezap to current channel after some time (advertisment)


Add advertisment skipping to your Kodi system, allowing the user to define a time to switch back to the current channel. During this time the user can switch channel without thinking to switch back manually.


- v1.0.2 (2021-02-22) - (en) [new] Added feature to open keymap editor from within addon settings - (en) [new] Added polish translation, thx to Atamans - (de) [new] Feature hinzugefügt um dem Keymap Editor aus den Addon Einstellungen zu öffnen - (de) [new] Polnische Übersetzung hinzugefügt, Danke an Atamans - (pl) [nowość] Dodano funkcję otwierania edytora klawiszy z poziomu ustawień dodatku - (pl) [nowość] Dodano polskie tłumaczenie, dzięki dla Atamans - v1.0.1 (2021-02-20) - (en) Update to python 3 for kodi matrix - (de) Update zu python 3 für Kodi Matrix - (pl) Aktualizacja do Pythona 3 dla Kodi Matrix

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How To Install

Direct installation

Via Repository

Via Directory

  1. Download the addon.
  2. Open up Kodi and navigate into Add-ons.
    addon install - Add-ons
  3. Click the open box icon (above the side-menu).
    addon install - openbox
  4. Select Install from zip file.
    • If this is the first addon you install, Kodi will warn you about installing addons from "unknown sources" for security reasons - it's your call.
    • In any case, Kodi will warn you, you may not get auto-updates for this addon.
  5. Navigate into the location where you've downloaded the addon to and select it to Install.

    For a full installation guide please click here.

    Additional Information

    Updated:January 13, 2021

    In Repositories:


    Alternative Sources:

    Download 1

    Depends On:

    Recommended Addons



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