Kodi Addon Name Korrektur ( By Loki1979 )

Kodi Addon Name Korrektur ( By Loki1979 )

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Kodi Addon Name Korrektur


Zippt alle Kodi Addons in und extern ! Nur ungezippte Addons ! Passt den Addon Ordner Namen an die Addon ID an falls dieser nicht mit der Addon ID gleich ist ! Hardware - Software - Kodi - DE https://www.facebook.com/groups/hskde/

How To Install

Direct installation

Via Repository

Via Directory

  1. First make sure you have the repository installed
  2. Open up Kodi and navigate into Add-ons.
    addon install - Add-ons
  3. Click the open box icon (above the side-menu).
    addon install - openbox
  4. Select Install from repository.
    • If you have at least one repository (besides the default) installed:
      Select the repository you wish to install from.
  5. Select the category the addon belongs to, in this case it should be program.
  6. Select Kodi Addon Name Korrektur ( By Loki1979 ).
  7. Click Install.

    For a full installation guide please click here.

    Additional Information

    Updated:January 15, 2021

    In Repositories:

    License:Not specified

    Depends On:

    Recommended Addons