World Live TV

World Live TV

Provider:WLTV Group
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World Live TV - for free IPTV channel and radio


This addon has no description


v 1.2.10 - Minor fix - Added rlaxxtv broadcaster - check Addon installation - Fix xbox pvr settings - Fix pvr settings with version lower than 20.8.0 - Fix Saiuz broadcaster - Fix paramount broadcaster - Another fix for kodi 19 and kodi 20 PVR - Mod to try set list and restart PVR Simple Client - Fix PVR change/set list issue - Multi link in player - Reverted Years order in list manager - Improved RAI TGR Choice on settings - fix mediaset GF - Improved Import lists - Minor code refactoring - Fix bug on Vod search - Translations - Improved server offline switch - Import user lists from url (skip same name list) - Fix Kodi 20 skin issue in list management - Fix SportItalia v 1.2.9 - Fix Rai TGR - Choose Rai3 Region to show TRG directly from region - Improved Rai - Improved UserList Management v 1.2.8 - User List improvement - Subtitle management - Code cleanup - Broadcaster import check - Video url not found management - YT url decode parameter - Implemented hbbtv search on Rai - Reset group selection in userlist - Fix mediasport v 1.2.7 - fix Youtube Channel - add vimeo events and video broadcaster - add koper broadcaster - new Mediaset routine v 1.2.6 - added playablemediaitem concept - improved playlist manager - fix gzip downloaded list - added new icons v 1.2.5 - increase timeout on checkServerOnLine - new internal emergency list - new message and lists offline management if server offline - new setting isBeta and setting visibility based on that - internal list navigation if is enabled - youtube section sort as on youtube web site - libreelec fix unitedradio icon view - libreelec fix log view v 1.2.4 - fix xbox issue - fix xmltodict dependency on certain devices - rakutentv - international radios - fix m3u corrupted list parse - fix world tv continent icons - fix encoding on vod management - minor refactoring - fix get static files v 1.2.1-1.2.3 - various fixes v 1.2.0 - Code refactoring and cleanup - Add User List Maker and management - Add Playlist VOD Manager - Add Search in each UserList - Add Global Search throw all UserList - Add sent to PVR only Live of User PlayList - Various fixes v 1.2.1 - Fix Mediaset - New broadcasters - Various minor fix v 1.2.2 - Minor code cleanup and fix v 1.2.3 - Minor code cleanup and fix - Pass 2 https - M3UParser improvements

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How To Install

Direct installation

Via Repository

Via Directory

  1. First make sure you have the repository installed
  2. Open up Kodi and navigate into Add-ons.
    addon install - Add-ons
  3. Click the open box icon (above the side-menu).
    addon install - openbox
  4. Select Install from repository.
    • If you have at least one repository (besides the default) installed:
      Select the repository you wish to install from.
  5. Select the category the addon belongs to, in this case it should be video.
  6. Select World Live TV.
  7. Click Install.
Installing via directory means you connect to a Web server directly using Kodi.
It also means that the addon is found under a repositry or a sub-repository you install from that directory (check out which repositories host World Live TV addon below).
  1. Open up Kodi and navigate into the System settings screen by selecting the cogwheel button (above the side-menu inside Kodi's home-screen).
  2. Select File manager.
    addon install - Kodi file manager
  3. Select Add source from the left pane (the right pane is in case you want to move files from one folder to another, if you're using a mouse you may need to double click it).
  4. Click the line where it says <None> and enter the following url:
    Note: some servers may be case-sensitive.
    addon install - Add new source
    click OK after you are done typing.
  5. Below that, if there isn't already, enter a name for the source which will be easy for you to recognize in the future. Click OK
  6. Now press the return button twice to return to home-screen.
    Navigate into Add-ons.
    addon install - Add-ons
  7. Click the open box icon (above the side-menu).
    addon install - openbox
  8. Select Install from zip file.
    • If this is the first addon you install, Kodi will warn you about installing addons from "unknown sources" for security reasons - it's your call.
    • In any case, Kodi will warn you, you may not get auto-updates for this addon.
  9. Look for the name of the source as it was entered in step 5, select the repository zip file you see inside it.
    That's it. The rest of the instructions are as detailed in installing Via Repository, use the repository you've just installed.

For a full installation guide please click here.

Additional Information

Updated:March 18, 2023

In Repositories:

License:GNU GPL v3

Depends On:

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