Latest global cyber attack affected millions of people in over 150 countries around the world, infected hundreds of thousands of computers running Microsoft Windows operating system.
The attack, which used a combined mechanism of both ransomware – a program that blocks access to data until a ransom is paid, and a computer worm that spreads the malicious program rapidly over to other systems on the same network, caused mayhem and sawed disorder, especially in larger organizations such as Britain’s NHS (National Health Service), Spain’s Telefónica, FedEx and more where it struck.
Since the attack, many Windows users, which comprise close to 85% of desktop / laptop OS market share, have opted for purchasing a security software suite, often including: antivirus, anti-spyware, etc… That, while another much cheaper, as a matter of fact even free, solution is lying at their fingertips.
Had all those who have been targeted by WannaCry used a different type of operating system, such as Linux for example, they could then simply avoid being hit altogether.
Unfortunately many, to this day, are still unaware that unlike the more known alternative – macOS – which can be quite costly to plenty of potential OS switchers, there’s also the possibility of installing a Linux OS on the same hardware people already own.
Of course, while the vast majority of Linux distributions are free of charge (and there are hundreds of distributions out there), there’s still a price to pay when a newbie user is coming to Linux, and that price is the learning curve.
Just like you did when you have taken your first steps with MS Windows, Linux too may take time to get used to and master. But for those who are keeping an eye for the future, that time could be seen as a well spent investment as well.