A new beta version of Evolve OS has just been released today and with it comes an improved version of its flagship product – Budgie DE.
As you may or may not know Budgie wasn’t always what it is today, in fact it started out of a much smaller scale project and only recently evolved into a full blown DE.
However, now that it has, it’s seems to be evolving quite nicely together with the rest of Evolve OS project.
speaking of which –
Evolve OS Beta 1 Features
Notable new features / changes included in this version are:
- A new app – evolve-sc: the Evolve OS Software Center
- Budgie is now built upon the GNOME 3.14.2 stack
- Support for new codecs and media formats, such as H.264. MP3 and DVDs, is now enabled by default
It’s interesting to see what has already become of Evolve OS, considering the small amount of ‘working hands’ the distro has.
The fact that the dev/s took an ambitious effort and created an entire DE almost completely out of scratch is quite admirable, to say the least.
While we wait to see the final results, it is meanwhile safe to say that Evolve OS is definitely evolving…
Get The Beta
Evolve OS beta 1 is available at the following link, there are currently 3 mirrors available and you can also opt for a torrent download.