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Native Integration of Plex into Kodi


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version 3.8.1: - Fix PKC not working properly if several Kodi video database versions are available, e.g. after an update of Kodi. Also fix sqlite3.OperationalError: table streamdetails has no column named strhdrtype (thanks @Son-Typ) #1968 version 3.8.0: - version 3.7.2-3.7.7 for everyone version 3.7.7 (beta only): - Skip commercial: fix KeyError #1955 version 3.7.6 (beta only): - Support for skipping commercials #1946 - Use Plex PMS settings in order to decide whether a video was fully played or not (e.g. based on first or last credits marker). Restart Kodi if you make any changes to the PMS settings. #1949 - Fix to show in-progress videos in widgets if PKC decided they're partially watched but Kodi thinks they're completely watched #1951 version 3.7.5 (beta only): - Fix playback report not working if no markers for intros and credits is present #1942 version 3.7.4 (beta only): - Initial compatibility with Kodi 21 Omega #1940 version 3.7.3 (beta only): - Support for skipping credits. If Plex detected end credits, videos will now only be marked as watched if the end credits have been reached #1926 - Fix rating matching #1930 (thanks @JCalvi) - Kodi Matrix: Fix sync not working (introduced in commit 664a68c30fe4bca9e191acad2b2aa8850859b0ba) #1931 - Fix ratings being appended to Kodi table instead of being replaced when a video item is updated #1933 version 3.7.2 (beta only): - You will need to manually reset the Kodi database in the PKC settings under Advanced - Correctly map the Plex ratings to the Kodi ones; sync the Plex HDR tag to Kodi #1917 (thanks @JCalvi) version 3.7.1: - version 3.7.0 for everyone version 3.7.0 (beta only): - WARNING: you might need to re-set some of your Kodi widgets pointing to PlexKodiConnect video nodes - Initial compatibility with Kodi 21 Omega. Nexus remains strongly recommended! #1901 - Add PKC setting in "Appearance Tweaks" for dedicated context menu entry "Extras" for movies and TV shows #1899 - Fix navigating back from Extras listing #1890 - Fix wheel of death when navigating: refactor add-on entrypoint #1894 - Move entry for Plex Hub to first position in PKC add-on menu #1897 - Allow for empty listings when navigating Plex menus #1896 - Fix FileExistsError when user deleted video library nodes #1895 - Only enable background music refresh if user chose to sync Plex music #1889 - Update readme version 3.6.14: - Make PKC compatible with latest Kodi Nexus #1840 - Fix TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable on playback start #1839 - version 3.6.13 for everyone version 3.6.13 (beta only): - Fix TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable on playback start #1823 - Add initial, experimental support for latest Nexus nightly, video DB version bump 120 #1824 - Fix RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration if Plex Companion subscribers change #1825 version 3.6.12: - version 3.6.11 for everyone version 3.6.11 (beta only): - Fix PKC telling the PMS it's playing the last video instead of the currently playing trailer #1806 version 3.6.10: - versions 3.6.8 and 3.6.9 for everyone version 3.6.9 (beta only): - Fix PKC reporting Kodi TV/PVR playback as the last Plex item being played again #1801 version 3.6.8 (beta only): - Attempt to fix Android 11 with Experience 9 crashing #1798 version 3.6.7:...

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How To Install

Direct installation

Via Repository

Via Directory

  1. Download the addon.
  2. Open up Kodi and navigate into Add-ons.
    addon install - Add-ons
  3. Click the open box icon (above the side-menu).
    addon install - openbox
  4. Select Install from zip file.
    • If this is the first addon you install, Kodi will warn you about installing addons from "unknown sources" for security reasons - it's your call.
    • In any case, Kodi will warn you, you may not get auto-updates for this addon.
  5. Navigate into the location where you've downloaded the addon to and select it to Install.
Installing via directory means you connect to a Web server directly using Kodi.
It also means that the addon is found under a repositry or a sub-repository you install from that directory (check out which repositories host PlexKodiConnect addon below).
  1. Open up Kodi and navigate into the System settings screen by selecting the cogwheel button (above the side-menu inside Kodi's home-screen).
  2. Select File manager.
    addon install - Kodi file manager
  3. Select Add source from the left pane (the right pane is in case you want to move files from one folder to another, if you're using a mouse you may need to double click it).
  4. Click the line where it says <None> and enter the following url:
    Note: some servers may be case-sensitive.
    addon install - Add new source
    click OK after you are done typing.
  5. Below that, if there isn't already, enter a name for the source which will be easy for you to recognize in the future. Click OK
  6. Now press the return button twice to return to home-screen.
    Navigate into Add-ons.
    addon install - Add-ons
  7. Click the open box icon (above the side-menu).
    addon install - openbox
  8. Select Install from zip file.
    • If this is the first addon you install, Kodi will warn you about installing addons from "unknown sources" for security reasons - it's your call.
    • In any case, Kodi will warn you, you may not get auto-updates for this addon.
  9. Look for the name of the source as it was entered in step 5, select the repository zip file you see inside it.
    That's it. The rest of the instructions are as detailed in installing Via Repository, use the repository you've just installed.

For a full installation guide please click here.

Additional Information

Updated:April 09, 2023

In Repositories:


Alternative Sources:

Download 1Download 2Download 3Download 4Download 5Download 6Download 7
License:GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991

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