This Beautiful Icon Set Can Make Your Desktop Shine Bright Like An iPhone

Make your Linux desktop sassy like iOS with this beautiful icon set. iOS iCons is a gorgeous looking icon set inspired by the iPhone’s iOS operating system. The icon-set’s author states that “this icon theme is completely ready for GNOME”, nevertheless it is recommended “for all major desktop environments”. To reinforce the author’s statement, here’s

Feb 23, 2017Customization
iOS iCons set

iOS iCons is a gorgeous looking icon set inspired by the iPhone’s iOS operating system.

The icon-set’s author states that “this icon theme is completely ready for GNOME”, nevertheless it is recommended “for all major desktop environments”.

To reinforce the author’s statement, here’s how it looks like on my KDE powered desktop:

iOS iCons on KDE desktop

iOS iCons on KDE desktop

Pretty delicious in my taste.

How To Install iOS iCons

The following method of installing the icon set is general and can be used on all desktop environments, granted, your Linux distribution adheres to the general files structure of a standard Linux distribution.

If your distribution / desktop environment comes with specific tools to install icon sets, by all means, used whichever method that suits you best.

Start by downloading the icon set.

Download iOS iCons

Once downloaded, extract the compressed file and do the following:

Install For Single User

To install iOS iCons only for a single user, you may simply move the extracted folder into the specified location below. Or, Open up Terminal and issue the following command:

mv '/PATH/TO/iOS iCons' ~/.local/share/icons/

Install For All Users

The installation process for ‘all users’ is pretty similar to ‘single user’, only, the path is different and you’ll need to have root permissions at hand.

sudo mv '/PATH/TO/iOS iCons' ~/usr/share/icons/


To start using the icon set open up your desktop environment’s “System Settings” and go to the Appearance / Icons setting.

Select the name of the icon pack you wish to use (iOS in this case) and click “Apply” to start using it.

Tip: at first when I applied iOS iCons and re-logged into my desktop-user, a few icons (Thunderbird and Opera) didn’t change right away. I suspect a restart could fix that, though i didn’t try.

However, much quicker than a complete restart, I simply applied a different icon set and then reapplied iOS iCons and then all the icons were working properly.

iOS iCons on GNOME desktop environment

iOS iCons on GNOME desktop environment

iOS iCons app-folder overview on GNOME desktop environment

iOS iCons app-folder overview on GNOME desktop environment