Maia will Make Your KDE Look Real Nice!

Maia theme is a complete look & feel package for KDE Plasma 5. Created for Manjaro Linux, Maia theme has all the components needed to change your KDE desktop appearance, including: color scheme, icons, Plasma theme, sddm (login-screen) theme and an exclusive wallpaper. But you don’t have to install Manjaro in order to enjoy Maia’s

Mar 2, 2017Customization
Maia theme

Created for Manjaro Linux, Maia theme has all the components needed to change your KDE desktop appearance, including: color scheme, icons, Plasma theme, sddm (login-screen) theme and an exclusive wallpaper.

But you don’t have to install Manjaro in order to enjoy Maia’s beauty. For example, the image you see above is a screenshot taken from my Gentoo.

So how can you install Maia? Easy, follow the steps below.

How To Install & Activate Maia Theme

You may download Maia from GitHub using your Web browser, or, you may use git tool (if you have it installed) through Terminal:

$: git clone

Once you’ve got it on your computer, extract the file if it’s zipped and issue the following commands in Terminal in order to install it:

$: cd /PATH/TO/artwork-maia
$: mkdir build && cd build
$: cmake ..
$: make

Before completing the installation, if you’re like me and prefer to know where are all the files of a new package goes to, in case you’ll want to uninstall it in the future – unfortunately, most Linux packages nowadays only comes with installation instructions but no un-installation ones – then take a moment to review your /usr/local/share  folder as this is where Maia installs to by default.

Now enter superuser mode and complete the installation:

$: su
#: make install

To activate the theme, open KDE’s System Settings and under Appearance click Workspace Theme -> select Maia from the Look And Feel screen.

Select Maia theme from KDE's Look And Feel settings

Select Maia theme from KDE’s Look And Feel settings

Go back to All Settings and select Icons, again, from under Appearance category. Select Maia from Icons options.

Lastly, right-click on a blank space on your desktop -> Configure Desktop -> choose the appropriate wallpaper size from the files inside:


Logout and back in for changes to take effect.

A Bit About The Theme

The word Manjaro is probably a short for Kilimanjaro which is the highest mountain in Africa. As such, it’s no surprise that the dominant color of the theme is Mountain Meadow color, or a variant of it.

The icons in Maia are a combination based on Breeze and Super Flat Remix icon packs.

An interpretation of the name Manjaro denotes the following meaning:

Manjaro is a Swahili word meaning “I can’t configure Arch.”[1] ;)