gThumb gets overhauled, community has nice design too

For those who are unfamiliar with gThumb yet, it’s an image viewer and browser tool, part of the GNOME desktop environment. gThumb is capable of executing all sorts of photo manipulation tasks including, importing photos from cameras, editing and also playing photos in a slideshow mode. The latest version 3.3.1 has finally brought a better integration

Updated Sep 18, 2016Apps
gThumb 3.3.1

The latest version 3.3.1 has finally brought a better integration with Gnome desktop among other new stuff added to it. So what’s actually new in gThumb 3.3.1:

New in gThumb

  • Uses a GtkHeaderBar instead of a menu and a toolbar
  • Uses the dark theme
  • Better quality for zoomed out images
  • Faster image loader for big images
  • Media player: hide the mediabar after a timeout
  • Histogram view: save and restore the scale type
  • More functionality and general polish

As you can see gThumb has grown quite impressive lately, and it seems it can finally serve as a competitive replacement for the usually preferred Shotwell or F-Spot photo managers, wouldn’t you say?

Community’s take

But that’s not all, as the title implies, besides the new features and overhauled look, there’s also a delicious community design made by Camilo Higuita, better known as kxmylo for those of you who’ve used his Plastico icons for eOS.  Check it out…

sexy gthumb