The latest version 3.3.1 has finally brought a better integration with Gnome desktop among other new stuff added to it. So what’s actually new in gThumb 3.3.1:
New in gThumb
- Uses a GtkHeaderBar instead of a menu and a toolbar
- Uses the dark theme
- Better quality for zoomed out images
- Faster image loader for big images
- Media player: hide the mediabar after a timeout
- Histogram view: save and restore the scale type
- More functionality and general polish
As you can see gThumb has grown quite impressive lately, and it seems it can finally serve as a competitive replacement for the usually preferred Shotwell or F-Spot photo managers, wouldn’t you say?
Community’s take
But that’s not all, as the title implies, besides the new features and overhauled look, there’s also a delicious community design made by Camilo Higuita, better known as kxmylo for those of you who’ve used his Plastico icons for eOS. Check it out…