KDE will let you view your smartphone’s battery status from the desktop

New features are about to land in KDE on the foreseeable future, one such great feature might enable you to view your smartphone’s battery status right from the desktop. It’s still work in progress yet KDE developer, Kai Uwe, says he already started working on a KDE-Connect backend to provide battery information right in the

Updated Sep 18, 2016News
battery status on KDE

It’s still work in progress yet KDE developer,

This means you’d be able to get rid of the annoying habit of turning on your smartphone’s screen every so often in order to check its battery status.

Since the feature is still in its early stages though, Kai warns us not to expect it to land in the upcoming Plasma 5.3 release.

However, since its prerequisites had already been pushed into Plasma, it’s possible that the backend will be added later on, decoupled from Plasma.

What’s KDE-Connect?

On a side note, if you are unfamiliar with KDE-Connect, perhaps this is a good chance to introduce it to you, basically you can sum up what it is by understanding its purpose, which is:

KDE-Connect wants to make your computer aware and seamless integrated with all your devices, to simplify your daily tasks.

Certainly, a good place to start would be integrating KDE with your smartphone and the sooner it happens – the better.