Released! Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS), So what’s new?

Another version of the popular, Debian based, Ubuntu has been released into the wild today. This time it’s the LTS (Long Term Support) version, which means it’ll be supported  for the next 5 years (until April, 2019). Since this version is going to “stick around” for quite a while,  being fully featured and stable is

Updated Sep 18, 2016News
Ubuntu 14.04

Since this version is going to “stick around” for quite a while,  being fully featured and stable is the name of the game for it. Thus, not much revolutionary changes should be expected from Trusty Tahr, yet enough to make it usable for the upcoming 5 years.

So without further ado, let’s dive in and see what are the feature highlights of Trusty Tahr.

Trusty New Features

  • Linux kernel 3.13 – new kernel means more features and better performance, such as: general performance and latency improvement to file systems, added ARM multiplatform support, and much more…
  • AppArmor – comes with a number of new features including various policy updates to support those new features and bug fixes.
  • Upstart – Ubuntu’s famous event-based init daemon has been upgraded to version 1.12.1
  • Oxide (for developers) – a webview based on Chromium to deliver web content.
  • Unity Desktop Features:
    • Support for High-DPI screens.
    • Improved lock screen design.
    • Option to have menus in the window’s title bar instead of the top menu bar.

Ubuntu 14.04 trusty tahr

And mostly that’s about it. So, as you can see, Ubuntu has learned from the mistakes of the past and now it’s traditionally reducing the changes integrated into the LTS versions.

That in it self should be a great deal for those who look for a simple, easy to use Linux distro that just works right out of the box.

Author’s note

It seems that in this version Ubuntu has decided to take a safe approach and focus more on performance, refinement, maintainability and technical debt  just as Mark Shuttleworth (Ubuntu’s founder) said.

It would certainly be interesting to see how the target audience of Ubuntu will receive this release, whether hating it for its lack of innovation or cheering for its stability, is yet remains to be seen.

Download via BitTorrent

In case you find yourself struggling to get some bandwidth in order to download Trusty Tahr ISO, I found that it’s much easier to do so by using a BitTorrent client. So if you’re interested, hop on through this link in order to get it via torrent.