End Of The Year Special: Website Owners Get iWillFolo’s Beautiful Images Display Plugin For Free

As iWillFolo.com is a website all about Open Source and Freedom, I hereby am happy to present you with a little plugin I’ve created on my own. iWillFolo’s Beautiful Images Display (BID) plugin is a lightweight and responsive – fits all relevant screen sizes – WordPress plugin. BID plugin supports both mouse and keyboard bindings

Updated Sep 18, 2016Plugins
Featured Beautiful Images Display (BID)

iWillFolo’s Beautiful Images Display (BID) plugin is a lightweight and responsive – fits all relevant screen sizes – WordPress plugin.

responsive BID

BID plugin supports both mouse and keyboard bindings to manipulate images:

  • Click the X button or hit Esc key to close the display.
  • Navigate multiple post images by clicking the displayed arrows or by pressing your keyboard arrow keys (left and right).
  • Left click image or hit Enter key in order to make arrows always / never visible.


Currently supported image formats are: JPG, JPEG, PNG and GIF. Other formates may be added according to demand.

BID is geared towards performance, written entirely in pure Javascript – i.e no extra libraries needed / loaded by the plugin such as jQuery and others.

How To Install?

Update: good news! BID has been accepted into WordPress plugin directory. Which means you can now search and install it just like any other WP plugin.

Read the following instructions or browse the images (using BID of course).

Simply download the plugin “zip” file to your computer, then go into your WordPress site > click Plugins from the sidebar > Add New > Upload Plugin > Browse…

Navigate to the folder where you saved the plugin and select it > click Install Now > Activate Plugin.

That’s it, Enjoy :)

BID plugins add new

BID upload plugin

BID install now

BID activate plugin

BID plugin activated

Download BID

Note: iWillFolo’s Beautiful Images Display plugin is compatible with current WordPress version.

BID is licensed under GPL v2.