How To Enable Call Recording on CyanogenMod and Derivative ROMs

Check out the easiest method to bring back functions your phone lost, in particular – bring back call recording, due to transitioning to CyanogenMod ROM, or a CyanogenMod ROM derivative. Note: This post may be outdated for your version of CyanogeMod. Check out the new revision here. Preface It’s a world of choices we live in nowadays.

Updated Sep 29, 2016How To's
Call Recording CyanogenMod

Note: This post may be outdated for your version of CyanogeMod. Check out the new revision here.


It’s a world of choices we live in nowadays. No matter what you do – there’s always a decision you need to make that might have an impact on your life to some extent.

One such decision, a technology enthusiast such as myself and probably you too (if you’re reading this) has to make, is what kind of an OS do you like having on your dear smartphone.

I myself can attest, that even though I’ve tested dozens, maybe hundreds of different OSs and ROMs, there’s always something new to learn with each experience.

For instance, my latest insight with regards to Android and its large selection of ROMs came from this forum thread where a user named HardCorePawn sums it up just perfectly:

Your choices are: use stock or stock based ROMs and have official hardware drivers but crappy frameworks and all the “issues” that stock has…

Or use AOSP-based “true” custom ROMs and have all the custom features, but a lot of hardware hacks and the issues faced by the custom ROMs due to [Company] not releasing sources…

Basically what he’s saying is: if you want to get the most out of the hardware your device has > go with a ROM based on the device stock .

Otherwise, if you wish to get the most out of the software you’re using > going with a ROM  based as closely as possible on Android stock would be, for the most part, your best choice.

Of course, my goal is to always have the best OS, or in this case – ROM, I can get in order to make the most out of my device. Wouldn’t you agree?

Thus, the best ROM in my eyes would be one that can combine the best of both worlds.

So here’s how to bring some of the hardware world into the software kingdom.

Enable Call Recording

To enable call recording, you’ll need a to have a CyanogenMod ROM or a CM based ROM which is based on CM version later than August 14 of this year (2014).

In case you find yourself falling in line with this requirement, all you have left to do is download and install the following files:

Xposed Framework Installer

Important!  you’ll want to download the stable version, not the experimental one, so click on “Show older versions” at the bottom and select the latest stable version to download.

Next, download the module which brings back the call recording Dialer’s settings, but don’t install it yet (installation instructions below).



One last thing before you start, as the Xposed warning notification mentions, this may not work for you and you might risk ‘software bricking’ of your phone.

So before doing anything, please make sure you have a backup and that you know what to do in case you’ll need it.

Xposed installer SC

Start by installing Xposed Framework which is the ground base for this module (and many others BTW) to work.

Both of the downloaded files are .apk kind, thus Android built-in installer or any other apk installer app can install them for you, simply look for the file through CM’s file-manager app and tap it to install.

Now open Xposed installer app and tap the Framework section > tap Install/Update to install it and restart your device.

After the device finished restarting, you may proceed to installing EnableCMCallRecording module (the same way you installed Xposed Framework Installer) and then go into Xposed Installer > tap Modules section > tap the check-box next to the module to enable it.

Restart your device and voilà!

call recording example