How To: Make Weather Widget Work In Cyanogenmod 13 And Above

cLock, Cyanogenmod’s default clock & weather widget, may prove a little difficult to get running properly lately, here’s what you should do… As you may have noticed, the transparent clock and weather widget in Cyanogenmod (CM) have changed a bit recently. The change is quite subtle so you may not notice it right away, but

Updated Sep 29, 2016How To's
Cyanogenmod 13 make cLock weather work

As you may have noticed, the transparent clock and weather widget in Cyanogenmod (CM) have changed a bit recently.

The change is quite subtle so you may not notice it right away, but once you try to configure cLock to show the weather of your current location, the change becomes apparent.

So what’s the deal and what should you do to get it running as expected?

Well, first of all let’s start with figuring out what’s changed since previous versions, then we can continue to answering the question.

New Provider Concept

In their late blog post written on April 27th, the folks at CM mention that there’s a new ‘Weather’ category in CM’s 13.0 nightlies settings.

Later on, they continue and explain why it’s been added.

“Yahoo! Weather now requests every weather query go through an OAUTH implementation, … our millions of users quickly exceed[ed it] …”


“we were asked by OpenWeatherMap to start using tokenized calls for our requests … it was no surprise that our userbase quickly exceeded [it as well] …”

Saving you the technicalities, basically what CM guys are saying is that the default sources of weather providers have changed their frameworks (APIs to be exact) quite a bit and as a result, CM userbase is now too big for them to contain at the current format.

Hence a change was required.

So now, in order for CM not to exceed limits imposed by weather providers, the widget has been modified to allow each user to connect to a certain provider (from a limited selection), thus remaining within limitation boundaries.

Making It Work

In order to configure cLock weather widget using current providers, tap on the widget to open it up, then go to settings by tapping the triple dots which symbolize menu and tap Widget settings.

Go inside Weather panel (you may see a message telling you to enable GPS – either enable it or click cancel and tap Use custom location), one of the options should say Weather source – tap it.

Cyanogenmod 13: enter cLock widget settings

Cyanogenmod 13: enter cLock widget settings

Cyanogenmod 13: enable weather provider in cLock

Cyanogenmod 13: enable weather provider in cLock

Note: Weather source is a shortcut to the same new Weather setting now found inside the general CM settings which was mentioned earlier.

Inside, you may configure the temperature units according to your habits and then tap + Add weather provider to choose one.

There are currently 2 options to choose from, either Yahoo Weather or Weather Underground (WU), though OpenWeatherMap might be added soon as well.

I recommend you use Yahoo Weather since WU may require you sign in for an API key, yet even then it might not work in certain areas of the world.

Cyanogenmod 13: cLock weather WU not recognizing location

Cyanogenmod 13: cLock WU weather provider not recognizing location

Note: The way to distinguish between a CM provider and a normal app of the same provider is that the former will also have the word “provider” as part of its title.

Once you’ve installed a provider, return to the Weather settings and tap it to enable.

Tip: if you don’t get any results within approximately 5 minutes, make sure you have Internet reception of course and try using a custom location instead of relying on GPS, see if the location you enter is even recognized by the provider or not.

If all else fail, try rebooting your phone as well.