First, let me say I apologize for not publishing any content in the past few days, however, I’m sure that would turn out for the best after all will be finally done. In the meanwhile, please try to keep patience.
For those of you who knows anything about CMSs and what they are used for, I can gladly say that I’m switching from WordPress to Drupal (both open source BTW), which is not such an easy task (especially when you’re building your own customized sub-theme :).
Nonetheless, at the end of the day this change would make it much easier on me to deliver content and shape iWillFolo the way I want it to look, thus, empowering myself as an admin with a lot more control (no wonder I run Gentoo ;) ).
Hopefully, the site will be up and ready by the next few days (Who knows, maybe even tomorrow). Until then, stay high on open source, and don’t forget to check back in a few days. peace!