Although still far from WhatsApp in terms of popularity, Telegram doesn’t show any signs of fatigue. With a new version already out, the app appears to be aiming for the privacy oriented user-base, just as it always did.
In this version, number 4.2, you’ll find redesigned photo editing tools which will now let you edit photos, requiring less taps than before.
You’ll also find a new feature that let you self destruct photos and videos you share in private chats via a self-destruct timer – just remember, the countdown begins when your recipient opens the photo or video you sent. In case the recipient tries to take a screenshot of your disappearing media, you’ll get a notification immediately.
Another new feature also added in this release is profile bio, that is, you can now add a few words about yourself by typing those in your profile. Now on, users of large groups could learn more about other users in the group simply by checking out their profile.
As far as speed and security goes, great news especially for members of really large channels (100,000 or more). As version 4.2 Telegram will employ CDN (content distribution network) in order to cache publicly available photos and videos. This means download speed would be significantly improved for millions of users world wide.
All data that goes through those CDNs will nevertheless be encrypted with no key provided to the various CDN nodes themselves.
Lastly, Stickers feature gained an improvement that let users expand the selection area so that you’ll be able to browse them more easily.