How To Install SPECTO Kodi Addon Fork of Genesis

SPECTO is a Kodi addon that lets you watch movies and TV shows streams from various online sources. Similar to Exodus addon in many ways, Specto scans various online sources and let you search, filter (by genera, date, popularity, etc) and watch streams of high quality videos, be it movies or TV shows, straight from

Jun 23, 2017Addons

Similar to Exodus addon in many ways, Specto scans various online sources and let you search, filter (by genera, date, popularity, etc) and watch streams of high quality videos, be it movies or TV shows, straight from your Kodi media center.

The similarity to Exodus is no coincidence, in case you were wondering. Specto is actually based on code made by the same developer, who goes by the name “lambda”. lambda first created an addon called Genesis which he later on abandoned in favor of developing Exodus.

Specto is a fork of Genesis, made by a Polish developer who goes by the name MrKnow.

MrKnow have also published instructions on how to install Specto through his repository, however those instructions are suited for Kodi versions older than 17, ergo instructions for Kodi versions 17 and beyond.

How To Install Specto

1. Open up Kodi and click the cogwheel icon to the top of the main menu to access settings.

Click the "cogwheel" icon to go into Kodi's settings

Click the “cogwheel” icon to go into Kodi’s settings

2. Select File manager > Add source* > click* on the area where it says <None> and type the following address: and click the OK button.

* Mouse users may need to double click.

3. Then click the empty line below where it says “Enter a name for this media source”, enter a name that would be easy for you to distinguish and remember (filmkodi for instance) > click the OK button and OK again.

4. Go back to the main menu and navigate into Add-ons > click the opened box icon > Install from zip file (you might need to enable “unknown sources” first, see here step 4) > select the entry corresponding to the name you gave in the previous step > >[VERSION-NUMBER].zip.

You can skip installing filmkodi repository and install Specto straight from source, however, the repository will both supply you with automatic updates and give you an option to install other addons inside the repo as well.

5. Once you see the notification letting you know the repository has installed, select Install from repository > repository – MRKNOW > Video addons > Specto – … Fork > Install.

Kodi notification saying filmkodi repo was installed

Kodi notification saying filmkodi repo was installed

That’s it! You’ll find Specto inside the main Add-ons screen, under Video add-ons category :)