What Is Planned For Kodi 16 Codenamed “Jarvis” Edition?

A barrage of new features is already being developed for the next iteration of Kodi media center version 16.0, codenamed “Jarvis”. Here’s what to expect. The next version of Kodi has already seen two development iterations (alpha 1 & 2) as of current, and although it still in an early stage of development, it has

Updated Oct 7, 2016News
Kodi 16 alpha Jarvis

The next version of Kodi has already seen two development iterations (alpha 1 & 2) as of current, and although it still in an early stage of development, it has some great features to boast at.

One such Feature for example, is the upgrade from DirectX 9 to 11 (Windows), which besides being a higher number also brings supports for newer video cards that the old version was missing.

Older video cards owners shouldn’t be worried though, Kodi devs are promising that only low level features of DirectX would be used in order to maintain compatibility with older cards.

Another great feature that’s planned to land with Kodi 16 is – 4:3 Non-linear Stretch, which means that when watching content with 4:3 ratio (usually older videos) on a 16:9 ratio screen resolution, you’ll have much finer experience than you’re currently used to.

Kodi 16 alpha 4:3 to 16:9

Aside of these two, there’s another, perhaps less glamoring, yet important feature that’s being added and that’s event logging.

It may sound useless to end-users however, in effect it’s quite the contrary.

Event logging will allow you, for instance, to view whether a list if tracks or a folder full of movies has been added correctly or perhaps failed in the midway (via a user-friendly graphical interface of course) .

Kodi 16 alpha Event-Logging

Beyond the aforementioned, there’s also a selection of other features which are mostly self explaining and are also planned to be included with Kodi 16, such as:

  • Series recording added for PVR.
  • Improve image resizing and caching algorithm to improve image quality of images.
  • Add a “none” option for preferred subtitles.
  • Add sort method for albums “artist / year”.
  • Many bug-fixes and more…

Note, that currently Kodi 16 is still in experimental stage and not yet a final product, thus the list of features mentioned herein might be different on the day of release.

Try It Yourself

If you’d like to give Kodi 16.0 a “test drive”, you may do so by clicking the button below and download the latest development build suited for your platform.

Download Kodi 16.0 “Jarvis”

Source: Kodi